Pauline Keynotes Page 2

Rom.  16

Avoid those who cause division for they are not serving the Lord. They are concerned with pleasing only themselves and easily con the gullible with insincere flattery. Innocence is a virtue but be wise in making distinctions between good and evil.

Remember, the God of peace has a plan of victory for you. He will soon crush Satan under your feet.  It is God’s promise. This is the good news of Jesus Christ which I preach. It has been a mystery hidden from the beginning but now it is prophetically revealed to all, for God has commanded it to be so. Have faith in God and give Him glory through the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone is wise. Amen.

1 Cor. 1:1-17

The Church is made up of those who have been set apart in Jesus Christ. They have been summoned by God to be His holy ones. This community of saints is known by their singular desire to know and trust Jesus.

You are enriched by Him in every way and having such full knowledge of Christ your testimony is confirmed by your joyful and confident speech and demeanor. Therefore, I earnestly appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to keep unity, be vigilant to speak in a way that builds others up. Doing these things will safeguard against discord and the potential break down of the holy fellowship we have in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Do not be sectarian for it is Christ who was crucified for you. The ritual of baptism is not the essential thing; it is the word of the cross that is the power of God in salvation.

1 Cor.  1:18-31

To those who have not been summoned to salvation the word of the cross makes no sense, it is even absurd. But for you it is the power of God accomplishing salvation.

The Jews, representing all religious people demand of God signs, while the secular intellectuals seek sophisticated answers from science and philosophy. But to those hearing the call of Christ, He alone is the power and wisdom of God.

The message of Christ is counterintuitive in every way to human thinking, nevertheless, God has chosen the weak and lowly to overcome the nobility of this world, who at this time, wield power and authority. What the world rejects, God has chosen to inherit glory in the age to come, God will not let human merit be the basis for glory; it is Christ alone who is our wisdom and righteousness. It is Christ who forgives our sins and claims us as His own possession, so glory in Him only.

1 Cor.  2

The preaching of Jesus Christ is not an argument of ideas posed with the clever use of language. I am not a self-confident orator but one who knows nothing worth declaring except Jesus Christ crucified. Jesus, I proclaim with a profound sense of personal inadequacy and humble awe. I have no silver tongue or dynamic presentation; my message is embodied in my faith which is in the Spirit and Power of God.

The wisdom I now share with you is only understood by those who are progressing in the faith. It is based on the secret which God held close since He conceived of it before the ages unfolded, that is, the Lord of glory shall come to this world and be crucified. But through all of this, God is preparing something so wonderful for those who love Him, it is beyond our wildest dreams.

Do not be surprised at the world’s indifference to the gospel. Unbelievers will not understand the gospel message nor you who are living in the faith of it. Be consoled, for you have the mind of Christ.

1 Cor.  3:1

There are those who are not growing up in the faith. They are childish, continuing their spiritual diet of milk, unable to eat and digest the nourishing, strengthening word of God. Quickness to strive over petty issues of personality and anything else which creates tension in the fellowship is sure proof of spiritual immaturity.

It is God who has planned the creation of His temple, formed and crafted according to His own glorious vision. It is built by Him on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ. We are merely instruments in His hands, sometimes we plant, sometimes we water but it is only God who produces the fruit.

It is true, however, that every worker will be rewarded for doing their part in the building process. So carefully and prayerfully build on the foundation God has laid.

You are the holy temple of God; do not make it an ugly aberration by attributing its glory to men. The holy temple of God is one in Christ. Not one building block is more important than another. Each one belongs to Christ and He loves each one in a special way. It’s difficult to imagine, but God, in His majesty and wisdom has dedicated all things, everywhere, for all time, to you because you belong to Christ His beloved Son.

1 Cor.  4:1-5

We serve Christ as guardians of those blessed truths which are revealed exclusively to us. Being a guardian of truth I must be faithful in making sound judgment, remembering the ultimate judge is the Lord; only He has a complete understanding of me. So if I cannot properly judge myself, how could I possibly judge another in the right way. Therefore, refrain from being judgmental for righteous judgment is not possible until the Lord comes. Only then will the light of God shine into the hidden places of the hearts revealing something of the good God who created them through Christ. The goodwill of God is bestowed upon each one.

1 Cor. 4:6-21

I Paul am an apostle and along with the other apostles I witness to men as well as angels in weakness, deprivation and dishonor. We labor, blessing others and for our trouble we are disrespected, our characters assassinated, hated without cause. But when all is said and done we persevere in the calling and mission we have from God.

Therefore, follow me as an example in the faith of Christ. I am the one who in labor and travail birthed you in the spirit of God. Do not be confused by so many who would presume to instruct you. They cannot possibly love you as I do. Have they emptied themselves into you as I have? They offer you only words but I come to you as one representing the Kingdom of God with power. And such power is manifest, not with worldly strength, but in love and a spirit of gentleness.

1 Cor. 5

Do not glory when there is sin in your midst. Be true to the purity of the faith. You should not be comfortable with believers who are compromising with sin, practicing shameful behaviors. Their only hope for deliverance is to be estranged from fellow believers which exposes the sinning one to the buffeting of Satan. Our desire is they wake up to the harsh reality of losing the hedge of protection Christians enjoy when they live purely and sincerely in the faith of Christ with other believers.

If you as the holy people of God have a grievance one against another, resolve the matter in the fellowship.

The matter should not go before unbelievers for judgment. Do you not understand that you, the Saints of God, are destined to judge the world. You shall judge those in the angelic world as well! Why do you have grievances with one another in the first place. Take the high road with Christ; suffer the injustice against you.

Do not think for a moment that anyone who practices sinful behaviors will sit on the judgment bar with Christ which is the very destiny of the heirs of the Kingdom. Brothers and Sisters, you were once bound by destructive sinful behaviors but you have been cleansed and set apart for something far better. You have been exonerated in the court of heaven in the name of the Lord Jesus. You know and are assured of this because the Spirit of our god has come to you with life-changing power.

1 Cor. 6:12-20

We are not subject to laws and rules. With Christ leading us we respect ourselves and live with the best interest of others at heart. Self-gratification is no longer our motive in life. Christ, not physical passion, is our master. We do not live for food and sex, we are vessels for the Lord to use for His purposes. Run from sexual immorality for when two people are sexually intimate, not only do their bodies become one, but their spirits comingle as well. Therefore, keep your bodies and spirits clean for you have been purchased by Christ and in you dwells the Holy Spirit.

1 Cor. 7

Most men and women need sexual intimacy, therefore, each man should have a wife and each woman should have a husband. To avoid temptation it is important to consent to one another for intimacy. Let the wife yield herself to her husband when he desires her and let the husband always satisfy his wife. The temporary exception to this would be with mutual agreement. Do not let Satan bring your marriage to ruin.

Believers should consider marriage permanent. Stay with your spouse even if he or she is an unbeliever. If an unbelieving spouse chooses to leave the marriage, you are free; be at peace with God. There is the cleansing touch of God on the unbeliever who stays with a believing spouse. If this were not the case the household would not be blessed of God and the children would be unclean.

In the Lord servants are free while those who are enjoying the privilege of being free are servants of the Lord. You are bought with a price, therefore, each of you serve the Lord in the station of life wherein you are called. Do not think changing your station in life is necessary to serve the Lord; serve Him where you are when He calls you.

1 Cor. 8

We all have a certain amount of knowledge and with it a tendency to be overly confident in what we think we know. Knowledge unseasoned with love is the ground of conceit. Knowledge can also be deceptive. If anyone thinks he knows something he immediately shuts himself off from receiving more perfect knowledge. He remains ignorant of the very things he ought to be learning.

Seek to know what God knows about you. That will keep you on the road leading to true knowledge.

Eating does not commend us to God yet some actually eat as a form of worship, the food being offered up to an idol god or its physical representation in an icon.

We know there is one God, the Creator of all things. Our sole purpose for being here is to serve Him. He has made Himself known to His world through the Lord Jesus Christ who is the very energy of God that surges through the created world and in a special way through us by His Spirit.

Even though you are not bound by superstition or idol veneration be careful not to send the wrong message to weaker ones who have not learned to worship God in Spirit and truth. Let not your freedom be misinterpreted as indifference, or worse, assent to idolatry. The basic rule for living in the freedom of Christ is to defer to the weaker ones. Do not cause them to stumble whether you eat or refuse to eat. Be wise in these matters of expediency.

1 Cor.  9

The Spirit of Christ faithfully followed Israel in the wilderness but they became presumptuous taking His presence for granted. They idolized themselves and anything that fed their self-aggrandizement. They took issue with the providence of God, resenting His unwillingness to cater to their whims and carnal desires.

God did not wink at their sins but punished them severely for their rebellion. Let their story be a warning; do not be overly confident but be humble and God will see you through every temptation victoriously. The world feeds at the demonic table of idolatry but our spiritual bread and wine are the body and blood of Jesus.

Here is an axiom of our faith understood and practiced by those who are mature: all things are lawful for believers but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful but all things are not in the best interest of others in the light of Christ’s love for them. Seek the well-being of others and enjoy a clean conscience before God. Everything is for His glory.

1 Cor.  11:1-16

Authority flows from the Father through Christ, from Christ through man, from man through woman. This is the natural order from the beginning. Nevertheless, in the Lord there is no rigid hierarchy of authority based on gender. Men and women in the fellowship of believers are dependent on one another based on gifts of grace each receive from God. That does not mean believers are free to disregard male and female distinctions God created in us. Be wise and respect cultural traditions which appropriately honor the difference between man and woman in God’s design and order.

1 Cor. 11:17-34

The Lord Jesus taught us to eat and drink remembering the sacrifice of His broken body and the pouring out of His blood to establish the new covenant. Partake of this bread and wine solemnly as it is a witness to us of what Jesus accomplished at the cross.

Strength and healing flow from the Head, Jesus, to His body, the Church, so it is vitally important to receive the power of the Cross to be faithful and loving before others in the Body. When the fellowship is not in loving unity, healing and help from the Lord is hindered. That is the reason for so much sickness among you. It is the chastening of the Lord for our selfish, inconsiderate behavior.

1 Cor. 12

There are various gifts and ministries in the Body of Christ. All are given by the Spirit and assigned to each member of the Body in accordance with God’s will and purpose. The members of the Body are diverse yet one in Christ. By the Spirit we are all baptized into the Body, therefore, we all drink one Spirit even though we are members differing in function.

There are giftings which are more desirable than others and there are those who hold more prominent positions in the Church. It is good to desire these callings but there is a more excellent desire than to be used in the gifts of grace.

Without love the things we hold in highest esteem lose their meaning. What I believed to be enabling I now realize leaves me empty when love is not the motive.

These things fail me without love:

  • Speaking eloquently in earthly and heavenly languages
  • Prophetic utterances
  • Profound knowledge
  • Miracle working faith
  • Liberal giving of my possessions
  • Dying for the cause

When love is the main thing there will be clear evidence. Let me explain: Love does not draw back, even in painful situations it perseveres. Love is kind, and happy when others are blessed. Love is not showy or arrogant. There is sweetness with love which considers the well-being of others as most important. Love is calm and forgiving when under attack. Love does not keep account of offenses. Love is grieved by lies and deceit but is deeply satisfied when truth prevails. Love stays strong in the worst of circumstances, is cheerful and optimistic knowing God has a glorious consummation planned which will answer every question and satisfy every heart. Therefore, love will stand every test and remain when all else fails.

Faith, hope, and the prophecies which inform them will be finished. The best knowledge we can attain now will be meaningless when we know Him as He knows us.

For now we live by faith having a settled hope in God’s plan for the ages to come. But love is now and forever!

1 Cor.  14

Tongues are for personal edification unless they are interpreted for others to understand. Spiritual gifts are for building up the fellowship. Submit to wise judgment and leadership when you assemble so there is no confusion of the message. All things should be done in an orderly manner.

1 Cor.  15:1-28

It has been witnessed by the Apostles Peter and James as well as over five hundred others that Jesus Christ is risen. I too have seen the risen Lord and so I preach as they do the resurrection. Your faith is in the risen Christ, therefore, you are forgiven and are sure to rise up out of death as He did so shake off gloom and despair and rejoice for your change is sure to come.

1 Cor.  15:35-49

But there’s more good news! There shall be a harvest of all who have died since Adam. Christ is the first fruit of the harvest then we who believe will follow Him at His coming. Christ will then present His royal family to the Father. The Father will inaugurate Christ and His Body as the new sovereigns of the Kingdom, bringing to an end all authority, resolving all conflict and presiding over universal peace. The last enemy Christ will defeat is death which will mark the end of His redemptive work. The oneness of the Father and the Son will then be clearly manifest that God may be all in all.

How is God going to reconstitute our bodies when they have decayed in death? Your inquiry is in error since your premise is false. Dust cannot become spirit nor will it be flesh and blood that inherits the Kingdom. Our dust man is merely the image and form of our spiritual man, not it’s substance. The new man of spirit substance will only resemble the old man of flesh and blood. That is why the man of dust must die, so the spiritual man can emerge from death bearing the image of the man into the heavenlies.

1 Cor.  15:50-58

Let me tell you something that has been hidden in the counsels of God until now. Some will have already passed and some will be alive when the trumpet sounds but all will immediately change from mortals to immortals. This wondrous event will happen in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye when Jesus Christ descends from heaven with a shout of joy.

The sting of death will be extracted by the Lord and Hades will surrender in defeat to Him. We thank God for the victory we have through the Lord Jesus Christ. Stay focused, do not stray off the path, work hard for the Lord. Your ardent dedication will be richly rewarded.

1 Cor.  16

Be vigilant, immovable in the faith, stare fear down, be strong. Love always. Submit to Godly servants who have your best interests at heart and add to your faith. Do not become enmeshed with those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. My love is with you. Amen.

2 Cor.  1:1-14

God is merciful and loves to comfort us in the troubles of life. Thus we learn from Him how to comfort others. Christ’s sufferings press upon us yet that is the very basis of our consolation when we suffer. Whether I am afflicted or comforted I am sharing in Christ’s consolation and salvation for you. There are times when the burdens of life are more than we can handle. It is then we are reminded of our total dependence on God. He alone has the power of life and death. We despair of our own strength and trust God for deliverance. When deliverance comes you may be sure He has stirred many to prayer on your behalf. Only in the day of the Lord will we fully understand how interconnected we really are in Christ Jesus and how dependent we are on one another in spirit.

2 Cor.  1:15-24

Do nothing with self-assured confidence for it is God who orders the steps of your life. Make daily decisions humbly, with constant deference to Christ. In Him are all the promises of God fulfilled. God is glorified through us.

God has given us a sure foundation in Christ but strength and surety are not all, we are refreshed and beautified in Christ as well. We are sure of this because of the dynamic move of His Spirit in the core of our being. God has affirmed His promise by touching us in this dramatic, life-changing way. We stand by faith; not blind faith but faith which flows from the power of God in our lives.

2 Cor.  2:1-17

Satan is cunning; he manipulates and controls our spirits by creating bitterness between us. Being aware of this we are careful to forgive and comfort those who have fallen into sin when they learn from their mistakes and return to the fellowship by the grace of God. If we follow the way of Christ we always win, instilling joy in the hearts of believers but disgust and aggravation in unbelievers.

2 Cor.  3

If there are commendations let them not be to gain favor with others. I am commended by one thing, that is, what is written on your hearts by the Holy Spirit and the theme is Christ. When he received the law, there was a witness of glory in Moses’ countenance, but consider the exceeding glory revealed in our own faces as we are transformed into the image of Christ. That is not to say we receive Christ’s full glory at once, but from one glory to another glory the Spirit is gradually making us in the likeness of Christ. The change will only be complete when He comes for us.

2 Cor . 4:1-6

The word of God is easily twisted by cunning manipulators who in subtle ways use the gospel to further their own interests. They inspire enthusiastic disciples to shun the true message of Christ, valuing the things of this present world more than the world to come. But the true gospel which has been revealed to us is not at all appealing to the worldly minded.

2 Cor.  4:7-15

We are fragile vessels of clay but God has given us this precious gift so the working of His great power in us will be clearly seen as His sovereign action. Our experience, then, is characterized by being pressed upon in extreme ways, often perplexed by our circumstances, targets of hostility, attacked viciously, yet, we are not overwhelmed by any of these afflictions.

We know our dying is the Lord’s dying, therefore, His life is our life. His cross is our cross; His resurrection shall be our resurrection. So be encouraged in your heart as your physical body wears out and dies, for your true inner life is being revitalized every day.

2 Cor.  4:16-18

Consider your most difficult hardships brief and easily braved for in them your God is working something marvelously glorious for the ages to come. Remember, the world you can see passes away but the world you cannot see is permanent.

We are not morbidly obsessed with physical death, wishing for some ethereal bodiless existence in the spirit world. No, we long earnestly for immortality in the glorious bodies God has prepared for us in the heavenlies. We know He has planned this for us because He has given us His Spirit as a token of His promise. Therefore, we walk confidently during this time of estrangement from the Lord, not seeing Him with our naked eyes but continuing the journey by faith.

2 Cor.  5:1-11

Whether in the body or in the spirit we long to please our Lord. Therefore, we are not terrified as unbelievers by the coming judgment but hope to give account of ourselves before Christ with gladness.

2 Cor.  5:12

We are compelled by the mighty love of Christ, who died for all of Adam’s, cursed race. All of them are destined to glorify God when they rise out of death. So, when contemplating the life of another human being, remember God has a plan for them in Christ. If you know someone in Christ he is even now a new creation with a new destiny.

To understand our calling we must begin with sound theology; God is the originator and sustainer of all things. Therefore, we believe the astonishing truth that we have been restored to His goodwill through Jesus Christ and having become the righteousness of God in Christ we continue His ministry. Let it be clearly understood, Christ is the ministry of God to all people who will ultimately through Him be forgiven. Now we are appointed by God to be ambassadors of Christ to the world in this ministry of reconciliation.

2 Cor.  6:1-18

We, being workers together should sense the urgency of our ministries. Let us dedicate ourselves to serve God with patience, kindness and sincere love. The Holy Spirit leads us by the word of truth which releases the power of God into our lives for righteous and honorable living.

We will be maligned, harassed and chastened but never destroyed. In the deep sorrows of life on this side of the resurrection we have even deeper joy knowing our change is coming soon. We may be poor but our ministries enrich the lives of many, yet, in reality we possess all things. So take heart, the day of salvation is upon us.

If by apostolic admonition you are feeling restricted, the reality is your own affection for the idolatries of unbelievers has invited confusion and moral bondage into your lives. Do not let unbelievers have undo influence on you, for your fellowship is based on purity in relationships not on the selfish pleasure you might extract from encounters with others.

Cor.  7

God has a way of sending the right person at the very moment we need comfort and strength. When help arrives our inner fears are quieted and the conflicts of life do not loom so large. The helper and the one helped are both refreshed. All take part in mutual consolation and comfort. What joy and confidence is ours!

If my words of reproof have led you to a change of heart it is cause for joy. Your sorrow is life-giving unlike the sorrow of unbelievers which is tragic.

You are now more diligent in service, free in heart, determined in mind, ardent in desire, yet humble in spirit. My confidence and joy in you is abounding.

2 Cor.  8

Follow the example of the Churches of Macedonia. They were enduring great suffering and deep poverty yet they were so full of joy they insisted on giving in order to ease the burden of others who were struggling. A wonderful witness they are to the rest of the Church concerning the grace of giving, whether in abundance or, as in their case, lack. See to your continuance in diligent faith but be sure to abound in this grace as well.

The Church is the glory of Christ. Do not be dismayed when the fellowship is in the trial of faith through hardships and various afflictions. Christ Himself is our supreme example for though He was rich he became poor, thereby, releasing the riches of heaven on our behalf. With joy, fellowship with Christ by joining Him in this loving ministry to His people.

Cor.  9

Whether you are sewing or reaping bless God. If you give begrudgingly you will reap with a sense of entitlement as if you merit the blessings of God. God loves a cheerful giver. God will provide seed and bread multiplied when you share liberally with others. In this ministry of giving you have witnessed powerfully the good news of Christ, causing glory and thanksgiving to abound for God’s indescribable gift.

2 Cor.  10

Though we are in physical bodies our victory is not won by physical prowess, nor is our warfare with military weapons. We cast down ideological strongholds, arguments from false science, and vain philosophies by the knowledge of God. We focus our minds on following the way of Christ, thus we battle the spiritual enemies victoriously with the might of God. The ministers of God should not compete with one another for popularity or status. Why should we boast in the labors of others, enlarging ourselves on the accomplishments of others. Let the Lord always be the one glorified by our labors for it is He who blesses our labors with fruit.

2  Cor. 11-12

Be careful not to be enticed into any other version of the gospel by deceitful ministers. You will know them by the emphasis they place on their credentials and affiliations. They are always seeking to have more influence and a better pay package. They never fail to complicate the pure and simple good news of Jesus Christ with works-based programs by which they maintain control of the people for political and financial gain. Expect them to look and sound religious but all of their busy activity is more about personal ego than serving others. They boast of the sacrifices they make for the gospel but upon close examination they are found to be void of the true spirit of the cross.

Bear with me if I seem boastful of myself, for I am a Hebrew and an apostle just as they claim to be. But my true credentials are scars, privation, and most importantly, my deep love for the churches. My boast is in my vulnerabilities, theirs in self-assurance and superiority. I am strong in weakness; they view weakness as a spiritual disorder or lack of faith. Even though I have had dreams, visions, and revelations of heaven, these are not my boast. The sole purpose of my life is to be poured out in the service of the Lord—nothing else matters.

A special affliction has been assigned to me, delivered by Satan. I asked the Lord to take this painful thing from me but He spoke to me of His grace magnified in my weakness. Again, my boast is in my infirmities because I desire the real power of Christ in my life and ministry, not the boastful, showy, display characteristic of professional religionists.

2 Cor. 13

Being crucified with Christ we share in His weakness; being raised with Christ we share in His power. Therefore, examine yourselves in the light of these two spiritual realities for true faith will manifest both.

May it be well with all of you. Receive the fullness of God’s grace. Live together in peace and God will surely be close to you. Amen—we are in agreement with God concerning all of these admonitions.

Gal. 1

The gospel I preach was not taught to me by man, it came to me by revelation through Jesus Christ. It is the good news of the grace of Christ who gave Himself to deliver us from the evil which dominates this present world. Let those who pervert this good news live with the curse which is upon them. Anything added to the grace of Christ is emphatically a perversion of the good news.

Gal.  2

There are those who are determined to rob us of our liberty in Christ. We are justified by faith in Jesus Christ, not by the works of the law. Being crucified with Christ, He lives in us by faith. He loves us and gave Himself for us so why should we let His sacrifice be in vain by setting grace aside for works?

Gal.  3

Open your eyes! Do not come under the bewitching spell of those who demand compliance with the law in order to be saved. Grace brought you salvation; how absurd to think works will help you. If you insist on being justified by the works of the law you are hopelessly cursed, for the whole law must be kept perfectly without even a moment of imperfection.

But Christ has redeemed us from our hopeless bondage to the law. We are receiving the promise made to Abraham long before the law was instituted through Moses. We believe in Christ, therefore, we are considered heirs with Him of the promise made to Abraham. When we are immersed in Christ there are no qualitative distinctions to be made among us. We are one in Christ.

Gal.  4

God chose us as sons before we were mature enough to comprehend that we are His heirs. But the time came when we received the Spirit of Christ which awakened in us a fervent love for the Father. Our adoption was finalized so we were released to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Now that you have this wonderful relationship with the Father, why would you think of returning to the misery of life under the law rather than basking in the glorious freedom of God’s heirs?

There is an insidious desire in all of us to return to the old familiar world of slavery to self-righteous law keeping. Resist that compulsion—Be free!

Gal.  5

But those who walk in the Spirit bear the fruit of love, engendering every attitude and behavior that supports their own well-being and the well-being of others. The old selfish nature has been nailed to the cross, so be done with conceit and envy.

The cross is offensive in that it mocks any attempt to be righteous before God by religious effort. There is one sure way to fall from grace and that is by attempting to be justified by any form of self-assertion.

Walk in the Spirit of God and you will find yourself desiring to love others just as you have been loved by God; there is no law against that. The heirs of the Kingdom are free to live according to the Spirit. They are not under the law which engenders fleshly behaviors to those bound by it. Law-keepers fall prey to all manner of self-serving, lustful behaviors. When they are not reveling in sins of the party scene they become driven by sins of attitude and spite toward others.

Gal.  6

Brothers and sisters, if there is anyone among you who has been overpowered by a sinful behavior, let the spiritually mature ones go to them in gentleness to restore them to victorious living. Remember, anyone of you could be likewise overpowered.

There is sowing to the corrupt flesh and there is sewing to the Spirit of life everlasting. Do not think God can be trifled with; you will certainly reap what you sow. Many become discouraged and tired when they do not soon see the fruit of their labors. The season for reaping shall surely come at the appointed time; you will have your harvest if you persevere.

Eph.  1:1-10

I speak to those who have been separated by God to become one in Christ Jesus. Grace and peace are yours from the Father.

Bless God! He has ushered us into the heavenlies to bless us with blessings not of this world in Christ. He identified us as children who would be adopted into His family and this He did before the foundation of the world was laid. It was for the shear pleasure of sharing love with His children that He set this world up. We praise God for this aspect which we clearly see in Him, that is, grace. He could not have planned a more dramatic display of His love than His death on the bloody cross.

We are forgiven and forever safe in Him, therefore, we have a penetrating wisdom into the meaning of things as He unfolds to us His purpose and plan. In a word His plan is to accomplish the ultimate and complete unity of His created world through Christ. This is history properly understood.

This amazing plan has never been fully understood until revealed to us in this present day of grace. But the day is coming when everyone will see Jesus Christ as He is, the Savior of all, to the glory of God.